25 DEGREE Reduction Die (1.1″ x 1.2″) stainless steel die to produce a “FAT TIRE” effect on coin rings


5 in stock


Legacy Brand Coin Ring Tools:

Coin Ring reduction die machined from heat treated 17-4 stainless steel. No more worrying about rust on your tools.

Use this tool with your arbor press, ring sizing machine, or hydraulic press to give your coin rings a fat tire effect.

This reduction die is double sided (1.1 inches and 1.2 inches) and laser engraved with die size and degree.

This die is a 25 degree die. These steeper angled dies produced a rounded “FAT TIRE” effect on rings after the initial folding and sizing process.

Also available in four piece fat tire die set.

No coins are included with this listing.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in